Monday 20 January 2014

Why is God not always mentioned?

When I read some things about Judaism, God is not always mentioned.  Do these writers think God is not important?  In one quote I have just read, Judaism is explained without any reference to God!

Rabbi Jonathan responds

I am not sure the exact quote you referred to, and I am sure that when you find references without a direct reference to God, in the main, it is because a belief in the ultimate power is implicit, though how immanent and interventionist this 'God' may be varies from person to person and between contexts and cultures.  

As you may know, there was an influential Rabbi called Mordechai Kaplan (1881-1983), who in 1934 qrote the important book Judaism as a Civilization .  He eventually co-founded a significant new and quite intellectual Jewish group called Reconstructionists.  Many accused him of denying God, but I think that was a misinterpretation - he had a more naturalistic conception of God - and certainly Reconstructionists today tend (in defence?) to emphasise a belief in God - but certainly the 'modern God', at least of the Progressive/Reform/Liberal/Reconstructionist Movements  is not the old (super) 'man on the cloud with a beard' interventionist God depicted by the Torah's anthropomorphisms (using human language to describe something, such as a dog smiling, or God's outstretched arm or back or nostrils), and painted into visuals by Michelangelo!   

I have a lovely story (in a Progressive machzor - High Holyday prayer book)  about a man who was so impatient to find God that he didn't stop to recognise the divine, until eventually a wise Rabbi showed him hospitality instead of trying to directly answer his question 'where will I find God' - slowly he became a part of the community... and one day the Rabbi said 'I think you have found God now, have you not?' and the man answered 'Rabbi, I think I have, but I am not sure when, or where - and tell me Rabbi, why is God in this place only...?'.  

So rest assured, God is in this place - in a Progressive approach to Judaism! But God may not always have quite the same profile and exposure that you might find in other places.  We also put a lot of emphasis in Judaism on our own responsibilities, through mitzvot (commandments). We often see the relationship as 'shutafut' (a partnership) between humans and God - we are God's 'tools' or 'hands' in the world. 

Sunday 5 January 2014

Why can't I go to the Bet Din when I'm pregnant?

Allison asks 'I am almost ready to appear before the Bet Din and am 7 months pregnant.  My partner and I are looking forward to having a 'Jewish' baby - but I hear that this may not be possible.  Please explain the situation.

Rabbi Jonathan responds:

The first think to point out is that this is a question about Conversion, not Introduction to Judaism (which is only that, an Introduction, or one of the steps on the way to conversion).

I believe there are two main issues around heavily pregnant women and the Bet Din (Jewish Court):
a) Hormones have a significant effect on emotional mood in the later stages of pregnancy, and what is at any time a very emotional and challenging interview can become overwhelming, and ultimately may not be perceived by the candidate as a positive and supportive experience,
b) The Bet Din must feel, and be seen to be, free to question and evaluate the candidate fully and properly.  On occasion, such as when a wedding date has been set and guests already invited, the members of the Bet Din feel pressured and that they are expected to be a rubber stamp - the Bet Din is no longer free to say 'no' or 'we feel you should do a little more on this or that area' (even though in my experience it never does the former and very rarely even the latter).  With a baby imminent, the Bet Din may feel the same pressure - clearly the woman (and couple) want and expect it to be completed at this interview and before the arrival (as you suggest).

I think this is a fair and reasonable position - it is certainly observed also by B'tei Din in the UK.

Hope that helps


Rabbi Jonathan